Event Recap: AWNY’s Summer Garden Soirée

What do you get when you put over 50 Aussie and Kiwi women together on a pleasant summer evening in NYC? A rip-roaring good time, that’s what! And that’s exactly what was had in the garden of the Australian Consul-General’s residence overlooking the East River in midtown Manhattan on June 21st.

Heather Ridout AO, the recently appointed Australian Consul-General in New York, who has only been in her new position for 9 weeks, greeted the crowd and spoke about her enthusiasm for her new role. Ms. Ridout also remarked on what an honor it is to become a patron of the AWNY community. AWNY President Jacquelyn Drozdoff also welcomed the group, thanking the AWNY volunteers for their work, especially those who had played a role in organizing the garden event, and thanked the wider community for continuing the legacy of the AWNY network.

Click through the photos from the event below, and keep an eye on our event calendar for similar AWNY events to join us next time!

  • Photos from the AWNY event

We are always looking for new volunteers, so please contact us at awny@aaanyc.org  if you’d like to get further involved with AWNY this year!

Author: Melanie O'Brien

Melanie has been an AWNY Volunteer since the first day she moved to NYC in 2021. After relocating through work and uprooting her Sydney life to NYC, she decided to give back to the community by sharing her stories with fellow Aussies who embark on a similar journey. Always open for a chat so reach out if you would like to get in touch!

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